We all need to eat to survive, but if we don't pay attention to how we obtain, prepare, and dispose of our food, we could end up doing more harm than good to the environment. Food consumption a nd grocery shopping is something we do so often, but have you thought about the waste it conjures up and the potential impact on the environment?
Between the fossil fuels used in the production, harvesting, and transport of food, and the toxic chemicals used to create food packaging that eventually lands in the landfill - there are some hidden impacts on the environment that most of us aren’t aware of as we go about our regular grocery shop.
With that said, reducing your environmental impact may be easier than you think! Here are three little things you can do in the grocery store to be more sustainable, and how they can be good for you too.
Avoid Produce Wrapped in Plastic.
Many of our favourite grocery items are packaged in plastic, which can be harmful to the environment. For example, cucumbers are often packaged in plastic wrap, which can take hundreds of years to decompose and leach toxins such as BisphenolA (BPA)into the environment. BPA is a chemical that has been found to be linked to hormone disruption, breast and prostate cancer, infertility, and other health issues.
Being mindful of the packaging you’re buying and trying to avoid plastic whenever possible is a great way to consume food sustainably. Try buying cucumbers and other produce loose and unwrapped, or in paper bags instead!
Buy organic and local produce.
The farther away a product was made, the more carbon was used to transport it to the grocery shop. Buying organic and local produce can help you reduce your carbon footprint, support local farmers, and even save you money with fewer transport costs and supply chain fees.
It's also often fresher and tastes better than store-bought food. Organic produce is also grown without the use of synthetic chemicals and is often fresher than produce that is shipped from far away. Check out your local farmers markets or search online for local farms - you’ll be surprised at the variety and quality of produce you can find!
Buy in Bulk.
Buying in bulk is a great way to reduce packaging waste. Bulk items are often sold in large reusable containers, which means less waste and more savings. It’s a great way to save money and ensure that you’re getting the freshest produce if you’re going to wholesalers.
If you find yourself with too much food, don’t panic. Many food banks accept donations of fresh and non-perishable items, so consider donating any excess.
These three little changes can make a big difference in our environmental footprint, especially as we start turning them into habits that compound. By avoiding produce wrapped in plastic, choosing organic and local produce, and buying in bulk, we can help to reduce our environmental impact and consume food sustainably without drastically changing our lifestyle.
How else are you shaping your grocery habits to contribute toward environmental sustainability?
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