The salty side of life - the four pillars of change
How small ripples can grow to become big waves.
Small ripples can grow to become big waves. We’ve all heard the saying “Be the change you want to see in the world” that Mahatma Gandhi is often credited with. This couldn’t be more true, especially when it comes to sustainability and maintaining our oceans for the next generation to enjoy. The hardest part is sometimes just getting started, but once you get some momentum, you’ll soon find yourself carving waves of change.
I want to introduce the four pillars of change you can start making for yourself that can set off the ripples that can grow to become a wave of change for the world, and contribute towards keeping our oceans sustainable. We call this the #saltysideoflife.
Eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep are all key to maintaining our health and well-being. It's not just about our physical health; our mental and emotional health is just as important. Taking time for ourselves, managing stress and staying positive are all crucial to our overall health and happiness.
One of the best change tools that we can leverage is the “power of now”, which revolves around being present and doing what we love. The “right” wave isn’t going to wait for you, and when a wave of opportunity comes by to do what you love, take it because they don’t know when the next one is going to come.
The pandemic put a damper on travel plans for many of us, but with borders opening up globally, the world is again accessible. Travel can be a great way to explore new cultures, learn about different ways of life, and recharge at the same time. Getting out there and seeing the world can have a profound impact on our lives and our happiness.
Consider the community approach to travelling, which can totally enhance your experience. The community approach to travelling is all about getting involved with the local community, connecting with people, and giving back to the places that we visit. It also means you’re never travelling alone, gain a much better understanding of the world, and not to mention a more diverse range of surfs!
What we eat, how we eat, and where we get our food all play a role in our health and well-being. The choices we make about what we consume play a vital role in how healthy we are, how energetic we are, and even how happy we feel.
Change can start with making more sustainable food choices, buying local, seasonal produce, and opting for products with minimal packaging. You might also want to try your hand at plant-based diets made up of whole and minimally processed plant-based food such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, and grains. These are incredibly accessible, good for your body, environmentally friendly and cheaper for your wallet.
Consumption habits can make a difference in starting change for ourselves and the environment. How much stuff we buy, how often we use it, and where we dispose of it all play a role in our impact on the environment. Less can mean better - by making conscious choices about our consumption, we can reduce our waste, save money, and help protect the planet.
From the clothes we wear to the coffee we drink, our choices make a difference. Making simple conscious changes like buying made-to-order products like clothing can mean your clothes last longer, look better, and contribute to the planet.
The circular economy is also a fantastic alternative to the traditional linear economy where we buy products to eventually discard them. A closed-loop system where products continue to be recycled instead of being thrown, it’s an incredibly sustainable way of consuming the Earth’s resources. With global fashion brands like Adidas championing circular fashion, this may soon become a norm!
What are you waiting for? Live the #saltysideoflife - change starts with you, today!